The program today will feature a mix of all things good from the Fifties and Sixties, along with Easy Listening tracks and some comedy snippets.
The regular comedy half-hour will be included but now moves from just after the 10:00 AM news & weather to 9:30 AM - a half-hour earlier.
As mentioned on air last Friday, I will be featuring a selection of British (BBC) 1950s comedy shows in this spot on Mondays, whilst the Friday spot (now also a half-hour earlier - at 2:30 PM) will continue with the current Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy (HHGTTG) until the full series is played out. That's about 21 Fridays left to go!
So, in today's spot I will have an episode of one of the most brilliant odd-ball comedy series ever to appear on radio - or anywhere else for that matter - The Goon Show.
Today's episode, entitled The Great Statue Debate, was first broadcast on the 24th. of March 1958.
The show includes the musical interludes from Max Geldray, harmonicarist extraordinaire, and Ray Ellington and his trio.
Join me from 9:00 AM until midday for laughs and baby-boomer music!
I hope you enjoy it, Brett.